
3 ways to make back to school shopping easier

Between school uniforms, stationery, sporting equipment and instruments it can be an expensive and busy time for many people.

Teen doing homework

With the festive season out of the way it’s time for back to school shopping for many families. Between uniforms, stationery, sporting equipment and instruments it can be an expensive and busy time for many people.

We’ve put together 3 simple ways to make back to school shopping easier (and possibly a little cheaper).

1. Separate what your child wants and needs for school

Any parent in the throes of back to school shopping knows how seemingly important the latest superhero book or gimmicky sharpener can be. To help make back to school shopping easier it might help to have a conversation with your child around what they actually need and want. For some great tips on how to tackle this subject, psychologist and mum of two boys, Ellen Jackson, has written a great post on how to teach kids the difference between needs and wants.

2. Do a stock take of last year’s school supplies

Before you do a stationery order or hit the shops, check what you’ve already got from last year. You’ll probably find some items such as pencils, pens, sharpeners and rulers stood the test of time over the last school year and are perfectly fine to use again this year. You might be able to reuse items such as books and uniforms from your older children if they’re in good condition and still current. Remember, the less you have to buy, the easier back to school shopping will be!

3. Utilise stationery and uniform services at school

Many schools offer a stationery service, where you can order your necessities and pick them up from the school. This can be a great way to not only make shopping easier but also save money. You might want to do a quick check online or in-store and compare prices between the school’s booklist and what you can buy yourself first. For older children, find out whether the school hires text books. Many schools also offer a second-hand uniform program. Get in early to find the best of the pre-loved uniforms and you might be able to save a heap!

Finding this time of year expensive? Start saving for next year’s school expenses  with a Target Bonus savings account from Grand Alliance Federal Credit Union. Find out more today.

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