Download/Export Transactions

Grand Alliance Federal Credit Union Online Help Centre

How to

Accessible under the Transactions menu.

This function allows you to download a list of individual transactions into your chosen financial management package or spreadsheet. To access this function, click on Download/ Export Transactions under the Transactions menu. The following screen will ask you to confirm the information to download, along with the format from the following choices: 

  1. Quicken dd/mm/yy (QIF) (For older formats of Quicken and MS Money) 
  2. Quicken mm/dd/yy (QIF) (As per (1). Also select this option for older versions that require dates in US format) 
  3. Quicken MS Money (QIF) (For Microsoft Money or Quicken or if you wish to import data into later versions of MYOB)
  4. Comma-separated Values (CSV) (Select this option if you wish to use the data in a spreadsheet) 
  5. Running balance (CSV) (As for (4), but with a running balance accompanying each transaction line) 
  6. Open Financial eXchange (OFX) (If you have a software package that supports OFX type files). 

Once you have completed your selection, click on the Download button. Your file will be generated and you will be prompted to download the file.

Please Note: Download instructions may vary depending on your internet browser. Additionally, the process of importing the file into your financial management application may differ depending on the software and version. 

If you are downloading to a specific financial management package (using option 1, 2 , 3 or 6), and you have completed all of the steps outlined above, you will now need to import and set up the data file in your financial management package. Specific packages indicate how to import the data file, usually via the ‘Import’ function in the menu. If you require assistance please contact the provider of your software.

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